Isabella 🌟 Artois
Only 25% of the companies leadership positions are occupied by women.
Stella Artois had a little known character in its history.
Isabella Artois, a woman who became our CEO in 1726, before that role even existed.
So we changed our centenary beer’s name for her name to inspire women.
Stella Artois had a little known character in its history.
Isabella Artois, a woman who became our CEO in 1726, before that role even existed.
So we changed our centenary beer’s name for her name to inspire women.
🎬 Director: Mayra Ferro & Kaká Gonçalves + Boiler
🎨 VFX: Célula
🎵 Music: Satélite

We did that on social network too, and people startet to changed their own names
for the name of inspiring women, creating a movement inspired by Isabella Artois.